Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bear With Me

Im sorry I haven't been posting as much, I wish I could but my body doesn't let me at this point. Its like one day Im feeling okay and the next I take a spiral plunge, just back and forth. I just wanted to let you guys no that I haven't disappeared. Im still here just waiting for a day that I feel a bit better. Im not all that great today but I just feel guilty for just leaving everyone hanging out there and worrying about me. Insha'Allah I'll be fully back soon. Just keep me in your dua's. Don't hesitate to e-mail me for I do check me e-mail everyday-I guess its habit or maybe waiting for good news ;). May Allah keep you all safe and well insha'Allah. Love ya


Empress Anisa said...

InshaAllah.... you'll feel better soon! I can TOTALLY relate- I can't even scrape myself outta bed some mornings... take care of you! ;)

Mina said...

Hope you feel better soon sweetheart...

come back soon miss ya:(
Luv Mina xXx

Inspired Muslimah said...

Sis, I will make dua's for you and insha'allah things will get easier.

Anonymous said...

we forgive and hope u feel better!!!!!!! :)

Shukran UmmIsmail Webb, May Allaah azz wal Jaal Reward you. Ameen said...

ahh babe I'm sorry I starting to feel the same yr fault of Course gerrrrrrrrr. insha allah u will get better