Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Believe Its Time For an Update

AsSalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu,

I realized I haven't really blogged in awhile. Im sorry, I guess you guys missed me a bit since I keep getting emails asking how Ive been and such. Well I think its only fair that I say something. Alhamdulillah Im doing okay. I haven't been feeling well for the past week, hence why I haven't blogged. I just didn't have the energy and at times looking at the computer screen gave me a headache, so I couldn't be on for more than 5 mins. Ive been doing better and getting better as the week goes on. Insha'Allah I'll be as good as new soon. Ive also been pretty busy trying to get things together. Its been crazy and it doesn't help that my memory is getting worse. I know you hear this a lot but I really would lose my head if it wasn't attached to my body. Somedays I did feel like my head was somewhere in the sky. Just taking everything one step at a time and trying not to overwhelm myself.
I really didn't realize how many people read my blog until I kept getting e-mails from people saying they've fallen in love with my blog or they can't get enough. Im truly grateful for all my readers and all the friends I made through this blog. When I first started blogging I never thought anyone wanted to read about my boring life (guess my life isn't that boring). My intention was just to have a place where I can express my thoughts and feelings freely and meet other sisters across the world. I had a diary a looooong time ago, but Im lazy and writing takes to long. Thank Allah for keyboards, couldn't live without it.
But I just wanna say thank you to all of you for reading my blog and I hope that I can keep it interesting for you to keep reading. I also wanna thank all the sisters I truly believe I have made lifelong frienships with. Thanks for helping me thru some of my difficult times and being there for me when I needed someone to talk to. You are truly a great blessing from Allah. Love you all for the sake of Allah.


Empress Anisa said...

Good to hear you're feeling better... just take it easy and don't over extend yourself, InshaAllah, everything will be fine.

We'll chat over the weekend, InshaAllah. Take care of you!

mami said...

Salam alaykum.. woho, i was waiting for your update hehe.. Hope you´re getting better soon inshaAllah, if you´re sick, then inshaAllah its purification for you ! love

Anonymous said...

Assalamu 'alaikum sister...
when you want to update of your post on your ideas or somethin'
Jazakillah khair.

bunda Yulia