Sorry for not blogging in awhile. I just took a mini-vacation (just for the weekend). I got back not that long ago and at least now I can say Im thinking a lot clearer. Ahh the good things that can take place in a couple of days. ALhamdulillah Im feeling a bit better, and I think Im ready to move on and start life. Now the question is how? Insha'Allah only time will tell. But Im definitely on the move. We''ll see where life takes me. I'll keep you posted. Love you all for the sake of Allah.
Welcome back sweety...
Glad to hear your feeling much better:)
good luck, hope life takes you somewhere better insha'Allah :D
Hey sis, Iam glad your back, i will continue to make duaas for you, and inshaAllah you will move on to the right place.
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